Mike’s Mailbag: What Does Your Paradise Feel Like?

G'day Mates, Without further adieu... Billy Bob Thornton, known as Coach Gary Gaines in my world (Friday Night Lights), with a really raw anecdote about his life before he was rich and famous. I don't know much about Billy or pass any judgment on his personal life. Moral of the story, this clip really resonated … Continue reading Mike’s Mailbag: What Does Your Paradise Feel Like?

Mike’s Mailbag: You Can’t Multitask Presence

Greetings Muchachos! Sunday night check-in from Cape Breton after a great week caddying on the links! I spent a lot of my rest day today watching clips from Oprah's new YouTube series called Master Class. It's a pretty cool series of interviews where Oprah takes a deep dive with different celebrities on defining moments and … Continue reading Mike’s Mailbag: You Can’t Multitask Presence